COPLAN Projekt - Services


The company COPLAN Projekt s.r.o. (Ltd.) provides primarily design and engineering services in housing development and building construction covering every scope of activities:

  • Design services
    • Project preparation (PPR)
    • Design proposal / study of the construction (STS)
    • Preliminary design – documentation for zoning permit (DUR)
    • Documentation for building procedure (DSP)
    • Implementation documentation (DPS)
    • Groundwork data / tender documentation to select the supplier / contractor (DZS)
    • Cooperation in selection of the supplier of the construction (VDS)
    • Cooperation during implementation of the construction - construction author’s supervision (ATD) and construction technical supervision (ITD)
    • Cooperation after construction completion (SKP)

We provide the following services with our own staff and in cooperation with specialists:

  • Engineering services
    • Consultation and advisory services in the field of building industry and civil engineering
    • Advisory services in the field of environmental protection
    • Implementation of constructions
    • Estate agency services

Cooperating offices:

  • Erkom, s.r.o. - complex services in the field of design and implementation of office interiors