COPLAN Projekt - Reference jobs – infrastructure

Reference jobs – infrastructure

The C Line Subway Station - Letňany

Construction of subway Letňany
Place of construction Prague, Czech Republic
Investor Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy
Design of construction Metroprojekt a.s.
Supplier Metrostav a.s.
Project 2002 a 2005, stage of PD: DSP, DPS

The subway station Letňany is solved comprehensively in the discipline statics including the building pit and the objects on the ground. The building pit is approx. 600m long and approx. 17m deep. There is designed vertical brace sheeting to secure the pit. The reinforced concrete structure is divided in 18 dilatation sections each having the length of 20-50m according to the characteristics of the structural parts.

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The A Line Subway Station - Veleslavín

The Subway Station Veleslavín - 3D model
Place of construction Prague, Czech Republic
Investor Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy
Design of construction Metroprojekt a.s.
Supplier Metrostav a.s.
Project 2008, stage of PD: DSP

In terms of prolongation of the Prague subway of A Line from the station Dejvická (the section V.A1 Dejvická - Petřiny) we are preparing the building permit documentation of the station Veleslavín. The station will be excavated partially. We prepare the documentation of the reinforced concrete structures in four dilatation sections and the platform structure of the tunnelled part.