COPLAN Projekt - Introductory page

Welcome at the pages of the company COPLAN Projekt, s.r.o.

The subject of business of our company is a comprehensive design and engineering activity at all phases of preparation, design and implementation of constructions and then consultancy and advisory services in the field of building industry. Our own employees cover the two basic professions– building (ground buildings) and structural (statics analysis) one. Other professions are provided by external companies and we provide respective co-ordination.

Dear business partners.
Since 8 December 2010 our company has changed the seat and corresponding address and since 28 Juni has changed seat address too.

COPLAN Projekt s.r.o.
Jetelová 9a/3255
106 00 Praha 10 - Záběhlice
Czech Republic

Ongoing projects

Rebuilding and Modernisation of the Football Stadium in Karviná

Design alternative of the stadium

In 2009 we won the tender for project design of rebuilding and modernising of the football stadium in Karviná - Ráj. At present we are working on the study of the chosen design alternative. This alternative assumes capacity of almost 8,000 spectators. Also there will be built a new background for the town football club. The precinct will be used by other clubs as well (a tennis club, a tourist club, a volleyball club). In the object there should be built a restaurant as well. The stadium will meet the parameters for the 1st and 2nd league.

Power Plant Ledvice – Building New Block

Building technology towers

The main purpose of the project is building new coal burning block in the power plant Ledvice as a part of renewal of ČEZ, a.s. sources. The aim is a project of constructional-technological design of the block which would provide economic and efficient operation of the block for 40 years and ensure optimal exploitation of coal reserves in the adjacent mine Bílina. The object of newly built boiler house, machine-room, inter machine-room and supervisory room will become a part of the main production block. In the scope of building discipline we are preparing project design documentation of the building permit stage for all parts of this large construction.
An interesting point: The two towers will be the highest construction of its kind in the Czech Republic.

Power Plant and Heating Plant Komořany

Visualising a building project

A large project solves building modifications of the precinct of the coal power plant in Komořany. The subject of this construction is to introduce new way of coal transport from the railway stop Třebušice into the precinct of EKY. The project includes a number of construction items for unloading, storage and coal transfer to the boiler room of the existing plant. Our design office is preparing the documentation for execution of the building, statics disciplines and our office coordinates the other construction disciplines.

Block of Flats Palmovka


In collaboration with the architect office DaM we are working on the project of new building of the block of flats Palmovka in Prague. It is a building which has seven aboveground and three underground floors with curved groundplan with total length not more than 100m. It is assumed that 106 new flats will be built with total surface area more than 7,500 m2.

Building adaptations of the building at the street Dlouhá 727/39 in Prague

Corner of the building at Dlouhá 39

The subject of the study which is being prepared by our office are building adaptations of a large object in the street Dlouhá in Prague in the Old Town. The building was built in 1920´s as a modern town palace with an arcade and a theatre. In a comprehensive way the study solves revitalizing and reconstruction of the object so that it would meet up-to-date requirements for the use of the object – both from the layout as well as technological point of view. The building adaptations enable the use of so far unused rooms of the building (especially attic rooms) a there will be created new car parking lots for residents in free cellar rooms. Theatre will remain unchanged.


COPLAN Projekt s.r.o.
Jetelová 9a/3255
106 00 Praha 10 - Záběhlice
Czech Republic

+420 244 463 483
+420 244 466 767


31.12.2020: Pour Féliciter 2021 PF 2021

31.12.2019: PF 2020 PF 2020

31.12.2018: Pour Féliciter 2019 PF 2019

31.12.2017: Pour Féliciter 2018 PF 2018

31.12.2016: Pour Féliciter 2017 PF 2017

31.12.2015: PF 2016 PF 2016

31.12.2014: Pour Féliciter 2015 PF 2015

31.12.2013: PF 2014 PF 2014

21.12.2012: Pour Féliciter 2013

31.12.2011: Pour Féliciter 2012 PF 2012

31.12.2010: Pour Féliciter 2011 PF 2011

31.12.2009: Pour Féliciter 2010 PF 2010

31.12.2008: Pour Féliciter 2009 PF 2009